Lloyd says he plans to talk with fellow council members to gain support before reintroducing the moratorium.

Lloyd says he plans to talk with fellow council members to gain support before reintroducing the moratorium.

SUSSEX COUNTY, Del. - Sussex County Councilmember Matt Lloyd has decided to table his proposal to stop new development applications in agricultural zones for 12 months, following significant backlash during Tuesday's county council meeting.

However, Lloyd says he still plans to introduce the proposal again.

The proposed moratorium faced sharp criticism from local business leaders, including Mike Riemann of the Home Builders Association of Delaware. "I think moratoriums are really an overreaction and a shortsighted way to try to solve problems," Riemann said. "Moratoriums themselves don't really actually solve problems. They create more problems than they solve by creating some uncertainty in the marketplace and impacting tons of local businesses and local jobs throughout the market."

Some are worried about the rapid growth in Sussex County and the resulting traffic. However, they are not necessarily in favor of a 12-month moratorium.

"I think he's in the minority here at the council," said Lewes local Jack Vassalotti. "I feel like there are both extremes—the jobs that are to be had by building, but there's also the effect from too many things being built without the infrastructure that we need. I think it's mostly about seeing both sides of the picture and coming together in the middle."

Lloyd says he plans to talk with fellow council members to gain support before reintroducing the moratorium.

Reporter, Telemundo Delmarva

Ana Sofia joined the CoastTV team as a bilingual reporter in September 2022, focusing on stories from the Hispanic community on Delmarva. She graduated from American University with a bachelor's degree in journalism and a double minor in marketing, and leadership and management.

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