Rep. Shupe calls for audit

Rep. Shupe calls for audit over narrow primary win; Department of Elections yet to respond.

MILFORD, Del. - The Delaware Republican Primary for the House District 36 was won by 12 votes. Bryan Shupe just barely edged out Patrick Smith 1,157 to 1,145. Patrick Smith requested a recount to the Department of Elections.

The afternoon of Sept. 11, Smith announced that he has requested a recount of the election results with the Board of Canvass at the Sussex County Superior Court and the Department of Elections. The campaign is also challenging that there was not an automatic recount. 

Request for Recount

The afternoon of Sept. 11, Smith announced that he has requested a recount of the election results with the Board of Canvass at the Sussex County Superior Court and the Department of Elections.

According to Smith, an automatic recount should be granted if there is a 0.5 percent difference in results and the Department of Elections told him that the increased overall vote differential from 11 to 12 votes is above the margin of error required to trigger said automatic recount.

Finally, Smith has requested that any certification of election results be paused until representatives from both campaigns are able to inspect and count the ballots in a recount, including the absentee ballots and their envelopes.

Coast Tv spoke with Patrick Williams about why he is calling for a recount.

"Well, it's such a small margin and just wanted to make sure the election was properly counted and tabulated."

His opponent Bryan Shupe is ready for a recount.

"I prefer a recount I'm all about transparency, if the Department of Elections looks at their laws and says that they need to do I'm all for it."



Brandon joined the CoastTV News team in June 2024. He is a Full Sail University graduate from the Dan Patrick School of Sportscasting program, earning a Bachelor's Degree.

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