Right whale slow zone put in place off Ocean City

A right whale "Slow Zone" has been put in place east of Ocean City, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, following detections of the endangered species on January 6.

OCEAN CITY, Md. - A right whale "Slow Zone" has been put in place east of Ocean City, according to the Maryland Department of Natural Resources, following detections of the endangered species on Jan. 6. The acoustic detection was made by the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science. The Slow Zone will remain in effect through Jan. 21.

Mariners are urged to avoid the area or reduce their speed to 10 knots or less within the designated boundaries. This voluntary measure aims to protect right whales, which are critically endangered, from ship strikes and disturbances.

Slow Zone Boundaries:

  • Northern Boundary: 38°38' N
  • Southern Boundary: 37°58' N
  • Eastern Boundary: 74°13' W
  • Western Boundary: 75°04' W



Eleisa joined the CoastTV team in July 2023 as a Video Journalist. She graduated from the Rutgers University School of Communication and Information in May 2023 with a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism and Media Studies, with a specialization in Sports Media and Broadcasting.

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