Downtown Rehoboth Beach could see an impact to traffic according a task force looking to bring more residential housing options to the city.

REHOBOTH BEACH, Del — With limited space for new development, Rehoboth Beach officials are considering a shift to mixed-use zoning as a way to increase residential housing in aging commercial areas.

A task force has been formed to study the possibility of converting underutilized commercial properties into condominiums, single-family or multi-family homes, and apartments. The effort aims to address various housing needs, including short-term rentals, long-term residences, seasonal housing, and workforce accommodations.

Parking remains a key factor in the discussion, as officials evaluate how to balance residential growth with available infrastructure. With much of Rehoboth Beach already built out, city planners say the redevelopment of aging commercial spaces is a potential opportunity to expand housing without encroaching on existing neighborhoods.

According to the task force's timeline that is expected to be presented at a Thursday meeting, the next step is to discuss recommendations with the city's Planning Commission and later the City Council sometime in April or May.


Morning Broadcast Journalist

Matt co-anchors CoastTV News Today Monday through Friday from 5-7 a.m. and regularly produces and anchors CoastTV News Midday at 11 a.m. He was previously the sports director at WBOC from 2015-2019.

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