attack addiction

GEORGETOWN, Del. - Ahead of International Overdose Awareness Day, one organization brought the community together to remember the lives lost to overdose.

atTAcK addtion held a candlelight vigil in the Georgetown Circle Tuesday night. Thousands of Delawareans lost to the opioid epidemic were remembered. People honored their loved ones and shared messages of remembrance. Local resources and support were made available to attendees. 

Cory Ryan is four years clean and works with Oxford House to help others in recovery. He says the candlelight vigil lights a fire under the community to help people who are battling addiction. 

"I remember my friends every day," Ryan says. "One in particular, part of his ashes are sitting on my desk, so there's not a day goes by I don't think about them, but to have a day where we all are able to gather and remember those people."

Advisory board member of atTAcK addiction and lead Sussex County Chapter Dawn Hessfischer says the goal is raising awareness and getting resources out to the community. 

"We're really trying to erase the stigma with the disease of addiction," Hessfischer says. "Things like today allow us to remember the loved ones that we've lost, but our real mission is around making sure that we erase the stigma and are able to bring a community and awareness to the disease of addiction."

International Overdose Awareness Day is this Saturday, Aug. 31.


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