week in review

Here are Delmarva's top stories for the week of Oct. 30-Nov. 3.

Monday: Milton Overpass Update: 

On Monday neighbors were a bit mixed on how helpful a new overpass in Milton will be. The roadwork is currently building the bridge cars will be taking southbound on Route 1 over Route 16. The price tag for this overpass is twenty-three million dollars and is expected to be completed sometime in late 2025.

Tuesday: Cape Overcrowding Concerns: 

The Cape Henlopen School District says it is currently working to adjust boundary lines for its five elementary schools. The district says it believes a number of students are being enrolled when they do not live in this district and therefore, a new tipline is in place to anonymously report students who go to the school, but don't live in the district.

Wednesday: Day of the Dead:

On Wednesday a local woman from Mexico put out tamales, coffee, and bread to remember people she loves who are no longer here. Día de los Muertos or the Day of the Dead is traditionally celebrated on Nov. 1 and 2.

Thursday: Code Purple Shelters Open Early: 

Code Purple Shelters were open on Thursday after opening early for the season due to the unexpected cold weather. The shelters are seeking donations and volunteers in Delaware.

Friday: Flags for Heroes:

On Friday the Lewes-Rehoboth Rotary Club installed more than 500 flags outside of Cape Henlopen High School. This Veterans Day display honors those who serve and have served our country and local communities. For the first time this year the flags will be illuminated at night.

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